Thursday, January 26, 2012

Such a GOOD girl!

We have been very blessed, and maybe lucky, to have such a GOOD baby!  She sleeps from about 8:30 to 8, she doesn't fuss a lot, and she is so stinkin happy!  As I say this though, times may start getting a bit tougher when she starts getting teeth in, but it'll be okay!  We are having a good time, and we just love this little girl so much!  Our routine in the morning is to wake up, eat breakfast, and then I turn on Disney channel while she sits in the floor with her toys.  No, she doesn't understand what's going on on the t.v, but she really likes it when she hears singing!  I think it's funny just watching her sit there like a big girl!

1 comment:

  1. Matt was bragging on her sitting and almost crawling abilities today in WalMart! We need to get together soon! We missed our movie night when Brent was gone and Matt was on nights!
