Thursday, October 4, 2012

Trike Derby at TLC

At Hallie Grace's school, (and the school I'm working at), we had a fun Trike Derby Day.  All of the kids from each age group brought their little tricycles and/or riding toys.  Of course, we pushed HG in her toy because she's too small!  It was such a cute sight seeing all of the kids having such a good time riding their bikes and all.  Each child collected money from family or whoever as a fundraiser for the school, so thank you to those who donated or "sponsored" HG.  Matt happened to be off work today, so I'm so happy that he was able to come and be a part of this fun event with Hallie Grace!
Here she comes!


At the "Winner's Circle" w/ one of her teachers!

HG & Josey (Andy and Ashley's niece)

This is funny because they all started crying realizing that their parents were leaving!  Too cute, though!

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