Monday, September 12, 2011

Date Night, Hogs Game, Church, BedTime!

Friday night Matt and I had our first date night!  My mom, (DiDi), came up and watched Hallie Grace while we went out.  We thought about going to dinner and then a movie, so we got ready and out we went!  We went and ate at our favorite Japanese restaurant in town, Umami's.  We ate so much that you would have thought we hadn't eaten in days!  At dinner we decided we were too tired to go see a movie so we went to wal-mart to pick up a couple of things and then we went home. We were in bed by 9:30. Next date night we'll try to be gone a little bit longer...We still had a great time and enjoyed laughing at ourselves for seeming like a tired old couple!

Didi and Hallie Grace before we left..She was in good hands!

Saturday, College football day, Hallie Grace wore her Razorback outfit of course!  We laid around, and then mom and I went to town for a little while and Matt watched Hallie Grace.  Mom went home that afternoon and that night we had a couple of friends come over to watch the Razorback game and the Notre Dame game.  Woo Pig Sooie, we won!! 

Calling the Hogs!

Sunday was our first trip to church since HG was born.  We made it on time and everything!  We didn't take her to the nursery, but we held her in church and she did very well.  After church we went to lunch at Ruby Tuesday, our other favorite place to eat!  When we got home Hallie Grace was ready to eat so I wasn't able to get a good picture of her in her outfit, but I got one when she was in the car seat on our way.  I will HAVE to get another picture of her in this cute outfit that Mrs. Robin got her!
It has an 'h' on the cute!

And after a busy weekend we took a bath and went to bed about 10:45 and she slept until 4:45 this morning!!

1 comment:

  1. She is SO sweet! Lovin' her sweet Korean baby style hair!!
